Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who said dining out is trouble?......... ME!

this post is written for blogeshwarand anubhooti

went out to get some dinner the other night, then the check came at the end of the dinner like clockwork. I never did like the check at the end of the meal system. Not that it mattered a lot when somebody else used to pay my bills. But ever since I started paying the bill in a restaurant I realized, money's a really different thing before and after you eat a meal. Before you eat money has very little value, you just don't care how much you pay when you are hungry. When you are hungry and you sit down at your table at a restaurant, you are like a ruler of your empire. you don't care about the cost. You want maximum food in minimum time.

"More soup, more food quickly, quickly what's taking so long?" fried things in the shape of a stick or a ball, as long as we are hungry it will be the greatest meal of our life. And if you are there with your friends giving them your birthday treat or some of the million other occasions friends can use as an excuse to get treats ( I could never understand a friend asking me to give him a treat, i usually associated giving a treat to, dog food. Like in one of those discovery channel programs where they show how to train a dog. they shout a command to the dog and when the dog does the trick, the trainer hands the dog a treat. I bet my friends would do just about anything before I give them a treat) so coming back to the topic, we ask our friends to either stop ordering or to order more depending on the "posh" factor of the restaurant (the more posh the restaurant the more trouble you get into for not paying the bill)

Then after the meal, once you are full, you can't remember ever being hungry ever in your life. You see people walking in the restaurant , you can't believe it. "why are these people coming in here now? I'm so full. how can they eat?" You got your pant's undone, the belt merely staying on as an ornament to the pant. the purpose of holding the pants up is now not left to the belt, the full stomach does that for you. And the napkins are destroyed, the battle field that was your plate is taken away, and you've washed your hands and you are waiting to go home. You never want to see food again as long as you live. That's when the check arrives. This is why people are always mystified by the check, usually that's when it dawns upon some friends that "oops we don't have enough cash" we also start asking questions like " is this right?" "is this bill for our table alone?" "how could this be?" "does this look right to you?" "do you accept library cards?" "we are not hungry now, why are we paying for all this food now?"and we start passing the bill around the table, like an unbelievable artefact that everyone has difficulty believing but want to see none the less. For most of the unreliable friends, this is the cue, they start to remember places they should have been, or that they are in a rush to get somewhere really important (traitors) there was this one occasion when my friend was buying lunch and one of our friend gave this excuse when the check arrived- "Oh man, i have no cash not even for bus fare" ( he said this in advance, and this excuse is as honest as it gets when the check arrives.) Yes we see movies where people fight over who pays for the bill, but some movies also show some actor becoming a crorepati from being broke in one song.( and most of those scenes of the bill fight, a girl is involved, and when you are in college and paying for your friends, when the girls are no where to be seen the scene get very different)

So we pay the bill, the faces of me and my friend's when we walk in the restaurant is very happy, but when the time comes to leave, it's like one of us died and we are going to his funeral. And the cycle starts again when we are hungry, or when the word treat is heard even in a brief whisper among any group of friends.

p.s ..i heard my friend say "dawn upon" and I realized, I have never used this before in any of my blogs, so I told the friend who lives literally thousands of miles away that I'll mention the source of inspiration that drove me to use this common terminology.... there happy mystery friend?

Men, Women and the idiot box!

men seem to flip around the television more than women. Men get that remote control in their hands, they dont even know what the hell they're not watching. You know we just keep going, "return, that's stupid, he's stupid, she's stupid, change, change, change.. till it is not stupid for a while when a slight hint of stupidity creeps into the show the remote control is hastily taken and the channel is changed.

woman:"what are you watching ?"

man:"I don't care, i gotta keep going."

woman:"who was that on that show?"

man:"i don't know what it was, it doesn't matter, it's not your fault or the show's for that matter, it's just that i got to keep changing the channel."

woman:"i think that was a documentary of our child"

man:"don't care, what else is on?"

Women don't do this. Women will stop and go, "Well let me see what the show is, before I change the channel." "Let me check out the new advertisement, haven't seen it before!" They think maybe they can nurture it, work with it, help it grow into something. They are too concerned about the people in the TV, they feel like by not watching some show they are being rude to the people inside the TV. Men don't do that. Because women nest and men hunt (well we are not early people now but still, that's how it used to be innit? ) That's why we watch TV differently.

Before there was flipping around, before there was television, kings and Pharaohs had storytellers. That was the entertainment. ( besides conquering nations, wearing golden crowns, riding horses and banishing random people) I wonder if they ever would get thirty odd storytellers together so they could flip around. Just go, " All right start telling me, a story, what's happening?..... I don't don't want to hear any more shut up." Then go to the next guy and ask " what are you talking about, is there a girl in the story..... no? shut up." The next guy "what have you got?....... why is your accent so stupid? .... you are banished from this nation, I never want to hear you talk ever again!" Then finally, " NO forget it all of you, get out of here I'm going to sleep now."